Omnichannel is a cross-channel content strategy that organisations use to improve their user experience. Rather than working in parallel, communication channels and their supporting resources are designed and orchestrated to cooperate. Omnichannel implies integration and orchestration of channels such that the experience of engaging across all the channels someone chooses to use is as, or even more, efficient or pleasant than using single channels in isolation. See Melrose Labs Text Marketing.
Melrose Labs: Vårt oppdrag er å tilby viktige nettskydekommunikasjonstjenester på tvers av mobiltelefoner, fasttelefoner og Internett for bedrifter, SMS-aggregatorer og meldingsleverandører. Disse tjenestene lar organisasjoner ta et hopp fremover i tjenestene de leverer til kundene sine, deres pålitelighet, innsikt i deres tjenester og økt driftseffektivitet.