Virtual PBX
Virtual PBX systems, cloud PBX systems or hosted PBX systems are business telephone systems that deliver PBX functionality as a service, available over the public switched telephone network (PSTN) or the Internet. Hosted PBXs are typically provided by a telephone company or service provider, using equipment located in the premises of a telephone exchange or the provider's data center. This means the customer does not need to buy or install PBX equipment. Generally the service is provided by a lease agreement and the provider can, in some configurations, use the same switching equipment to service multiple hosted PBX customers.
Melrose Labs Voice Gateway/CloudPBX
Melrose Labs: Vårt oppdrag er å tilby viktige nettskydekommunikasjonstjenester på tvers av mobiltelefoner, fasttelefoner og Internett for bedrifter, SMS-aggregatorer og meldingsleverandører. Disse tjenestene lar organisasjoner ta et hopp fremover i tjenestene de leverer til kundene sine, deres pålitelighet, innsikt i deres tjenester og økt driftseffektivitet.