

Web SMS is the sending of SMS, and optionally the receiving of SMS, via a web portal using a web browser. The user would login to the portal and be able to create a message and send it to one or more mobile users. Distribution lists and phonebooks can be used to address the message. A web SMS service can be used to send to a very high number of recipients. Replies to messages, or new messages sent by mobile users, can be viewed in an inbox within the portal.

Melrose Labs Tyr SMS Gateway/webSMS

Melrose Labs: 我们的使命是为企业,短信聚合器和消息传递提供商提供跨移动,固定电话和互联网的云通信中的关键服务。这些服务使组织能够在向客户提供服务,可靠性,对服务的洞察力以及提高的运营效率方面取得飞跃。