
User Experience

In commerce, user experience (UX) is a person's emotions and attitudes about using a particular product, system or service. It includes the practical, experiential, affective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human–computer interaction and product ownership. Additionally, it includes a person's perceptions of system aspects such as utility, ease of use and efficiency. User experience may be subjective in nature to the degree that it is about individual perception and thought with respect to a product or system. User experience varies dynamically, constantly modifying over time due to changing usage circumstances. In essence, user experience is about how a user is affected as a result of their interaction with, and experiences of, a product.

Melrose Labs: Unsere Mission ist es, Unternehmen, SMS-Aggregatoren und Messaging-Anbietern wichtige Dienste für die Cloud-Kommunikation über Mobilfunk, Festnetz und Internet bereitzustellen. Diese Services ermöglichen es Unternehmen, die Services, die sie ihren Kunden anbieten, sowie deren Zuverlässigkeit, Einblick in ihre Services und betriebliche Effizienz weiter zu verbessern.