
Short Code

A Short Code is a 3-6 digit number which enables the sending and receiving of SMS messages. Use cases include TV voting and polling amongst many others . Note that with short codes, the sending and receiving of messages is limited to national borders. They can be leased from mobile network operators or other messaging companies. Dedicated short codes are used by a single company, while shared ones can be used by more companies which have their campaigns distinguished by keywords. For example, one company can use the number to receive SMS messages with the CONTACT keyword, and the other company can use it to receive messages with the MUSIC keyword. These keywords allow the matching of inbound messages with appropriate campaigns.

Melrose Labs Tyr SMS Gateway

Melrose Labs: Notre mission est de fournir des services pivots dans les communications cloud sur mobile, fixe et Internet pour les entreprises, les agrégateurs SMS et les fournisseurs de messagerie. Ces services permettent aux organisations de faire un bond en avant dans les services qu'elles fournissent à leurs clients, leur fiabilité, leur visibilité sur leurs services et leur efficacité opérationnelle accrue.