Number Lookup
Number Lookup, also known as HLR (Home Location Register) lookup, is a telecommunications service that dynamically contacts a central database (on the mobile operator’s side) that contains details of each mobile phone subscriber authorised to use the core network. A lookup or number "dip" can be used to determine the validity of the number (MSISDN), the state of the number and information to aid with routing SMS and calls. See the Mobile Number Lookup service of the Location API available in Melrose Labs Identity and Location.
Use the Number lookup tool.
Melrose Labs Identity and Location
Melrose Labs: Nossa missão é fornecer serviços críticos de comunicação na nuvem em dispositivos móveis, linhas fixas e internet para empresas, agregadores de SMS e provedores de mensagens. Esses serviços permitem que as organizações avancem os serviços que prestam a seus clientes, sua confiabilidade, seus serviços e maior eficiência operacional.