
Customer Experience

In commerce, customer experience (CX) is the product of an interaction between an organisation and a customer over the duration of their relationship. This interaction is made up of three parts: the customer journey, the brand touchpoints the customer interacts with, and the environments the customer experiences (including digital environment) during their experience. A good customer experience means that the individual's experience during all points of contact matches the individual's expectations. Gartner asserts the importance of managing the customer's experience.

Customer experience implies customer involvement at different levels – such as rational, emotional, sensorial, physical, and spiritual. Customers respond diversely to direct and indirect contact with a company. Direct contact usually occurs when the purchase or use is initiated by the customer. Indirect contact often involves advertising, news reports, unplanned encounters with sales representatives, word-of-mouth recommendations or criticisms.

Melrose Labs: Наша миссия заключается в предоставлении ключевых облачных услуг через мобильные, фиксированные и интернет-сети для предприятий, SMS-агрегаторов и поставщиков услуг обмена сообщениями. Эти услуги позволяют организациям продвигаться вперед с услугами, которые они предоставляют своим клиентам, их надежностью, пониманием своих услуг и повышенной операционной эффективностью.