

A webhook enables third-party services to send real-time updates to your application. Updates are triggered by some event or action by the webhook provider, and pushed to your app via HTTP requests. When you receive the request, you handle it with some custom logic, like sending an email or storing the data in a database. Many services provide both APIs and webhooks to move their data into your app. You can often get the same data using either method. With APIs, you pull data from the provider. But webhooks allow the provider to push data to you. To process webhook requests in your own app, you’ll have to configure: 1) a publicly accessible URL (endpoint) that your webhook provider can send HTTP requests to, and 2) custom application code that runs in response to new HTTP requests sent to this endpoint. Most modern webhook providers send events via HTTP POST requests with a JSON payload. Webhooks have previously been known as HTTP callbacks.

Melrose Labs Tyr SMS Gateway

Melrose Labs: 私たちの使命は、企業、SMSアグリゲーター、およびメッセージングプロバイダーに、インターネットを介したモバイル、固定回線、およびクラウド通信のための重要なサービスを提供することです。これらのサービスにより、組織は顧客に提供するサービス、信頼性、サービスの洞察、運用効率を劇的に改善できます。