
SIM Hosting

SIM card hosting: Physical SIM Hosting, or Virtual SIM Hosting, is the use of a mobile SIM card to receive and send SMS messages, or to make and receive voice calls. Physical SIM Hosting involves having the SIM card in a GSM modem or GSM gateway. Virtual SIM hosting allows SMS sent to the mobile number associated with the hosted SIM to be passed from the mobile operator's core signalling network, without using radio network to receive the SMS, to a gateway application that typically uses SMPP. SIM hosting allows a customer to use a regular mobile number to send and/or receive SMS, thus enabling the use of a specific mobile number that the customer may prefer.

Melrose Labs Tyr SMS Gateway/SIM Hosting

Melrose Labs: Notre mission est de fournir des services pivots dans les communications cloud sur mobile, fixe et Internet pour les entreprises, les agrégateurs SMS et les fournisseurs de messagerie. Ces services permettent aux organisations de faire un bond en avant dans les services qu'elles fournissent à leurs clients, leur fiabilité, leur visibilité sur leurs services et leur efficacité opérationnelle accrue.