
A2P (Application-to-Person)

A2P, or application-to-person, SMS is the process of sending SMS messages from an application to a mobile user. A2P SMS messaging is also called enterprise, business or professional SMS. Businesses can use it in a number of ways to communicate with consumers, authenticate users of online services, or deliver time-sensitive alerts. In all the cases, communication is initiated from a business application, and not an individual’s mobile phone. A2P is distinct from P2P (Person-to-Person) and P2A (Person-to-Application) SMS. A2P SMS is sent from the originating application via a Mobile Network Operator (MNO) or SMS aggregator using an SMS API such as SMPP.

Melrose Labs Tyr SMS Gateway

Melrose Labs: Nossa missão é fornecer serviços críticos de comunicação na nuvem em dispositivos móveis, linhas fixas e internet para empresas, agregadores de SMS e provedores de mensagens. Esses serviços permitem que as organizações avancem os serviços que prestam a seus clientes, sua confiabilidade, seus serviços e maior eficiência operacional.