
Text API

An API for sending and/or receiving SMS text messages between an application and a mobile device. Text APIs include SMPP, HTTP, REST, SMTP, Web Services and others. Text APIs are typically capable of being used for bulk SMS and the sending and/or receiving of high volumes of SMS messages. Operations included in a text API allow SMS to be sent, received, cancelled and replaced. Other operations often available include the ability to modify a phonebook or distribution lists that are used to send messages to one or more recipients. A text API can include support for webhooks that allow the SMS provider to push inbound (MO) SMS and delivery receipts to a customer application. Read more about SMS APIs. See also SMS API

Melrose Labs Tyr SMS Gateway

Melrose Labs: 我们的使命是为企业,短信聚合器和消息传递提供商提供跨移动,固定电话和互联网的云通信中的关键服务。这些服务使组织能够在向客户提供服务,可靠性,对服务的洞察力以及提高的运营效率方面取得飞跃。