
Mobile Terminated (MT)

MT (Mobile Terminated) relates to a mobile message routed from a client or an application and delivered to the end user's mobile device. It also refers to a voice call that is to be terminated onto a user's mobile device from another mobile user, the PSTN or other network. The word "terminated" means that the message is terminated (delivered) on a mobile device. The term also describes the communications leg between the SMSC and the end user's mobile device, and between the Mobile Switching Centre (MSC) and the user's mobile device.

Melrose Labs Tyr SMS Gateway

Melrose Labs: Nossa missão é fornecer serviços críticos de comunicação na nuvem em dispositivos móveis, linhas fixas e internet para empresas, agregadores de SMS e provedores de mensagens. Esses serviços permitem que as organizações avancem os serviços que prestam a seus clientes, sua confiabilidade, seus serviços e maior eficiência operacional.