
Google Verified SMS

Google Verified SMS brings trust and delivers an enhanced SMS messaging experience that benefits the consumer and businesses.

Messages verified as sent by a business show a badge to indicate the sender of the message is who they say they are. The name and logo of the business are also displayed for verified messages. URLs in messages also show a link preview, giving a better visual experience for the consumer and helping encourage users to click on links sent by the business.

The Google Verified SMS service works by Google receiving a digital fingerprint of the message that is being sent by the business to a mobile user. When the message is received, the mobile device checks with Google to confirm that the message came from who it says sent it. At no point does Google receive a copy of the message content.

Melrose Labs Tyr SMS Gateway

Melrose Labs: Nossa missão é fornecer serviços críticos de comunicação na nuvem em dispositivos móveis, linhas fixas e internet para empresas, agregadores de SMS e provedores de mensagens. Esses serviços permitem que as organizações avancem os serviços que prestam a seus clientes, sua confiabilidade, seus serviços e maior eficiência operacional.