
Conference Call

A conference call is a telephone call involving multiple people, where partcicipants in the conference call can talk and be heard by other participants in the call. A dial-in telephone number is used for participants to join the call. The telephone number connects to a conference bridge that links all the participants together. A participant who is a host can control the conference call, normally using the keypad of their phone to perform functions such as locking the call to further people joining, recording the call and muting participants. See Conference call [] for further information.

Melrose Labs Voice Gateway/Conference

Melrose Labs: Vårt oppdrag er å tilby viktige nettskydekommunikasjonstjenester på tvers av mobiltelefoner, fasttelefoner og Internett for bedrifter, SMS-aggregatorer og meldingsleverandører. Disse tjenestene lar organisasjoner ta et hopp fremover i tjenestene de leverer til kundene sine, deres pålitelighet, innsikt i deres tjenester og økt driftseffektivitet.