

An application programming interface is an interface or communication protocol between different parts of a computer program, or between separate computer programs, intended to interconnect those parts, and simplify the implementation and maintenance of software. An API may be for a web-based system, operating system, database system, computer hardware, or software library. APIs are most commonly made available via REST and application-specific APIs such as SMPP. An SMS API is an example of an API intended for use with SMS.

Melrose Labs: 我们的使命是为企业,短信聚合器和消息传递提供商提供跨移动,固定电话和互联网的云通信中的关键服务。这些服务使组织能够在向客户提供服务,可靠性,对服务的洞察力以及提高的运营效率方面取得飞跃。